
Showing posts from September, 2020

High-income nation: santi li ?

At $8.99 per month, your basic Netflix account didn't seem expensive so you went for the premium one at $15.99 - not much, really at Rs 36.50 per US$ back then. But just wait until you'll need to renew your subscription to the tune of Rs 680, instead of Rs 582 pre-COVID era - Rs 100 more per month! (It looks like you will have to add another Rs 100 for VAT purpose regardless of how they will be siphoned) . All that because since then the US$ has soared from the pre-March 2020 levels of Rs 36.50 to above the Rs 40 mark at present. The World Bank has started classifying Mauritius in the 'High Income' category in July 2020 - the slide of our Rupee has boosted the number of Rupees that the World Bank's arbitrary threshold would give you. But did that make your life more comfortable than before? To explain this, the PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) is handy: though imperfect but closer to our reality, it is a means of weighting how much people make by the cost of living